Take more pictures... At the time you think nothing of it, but afterwards, you wish you had more.  Here are a few of the moments that went into making a short film in 48 little hours.

Zuleikha Robinson & Julia Rose

Zuleikha Robinson & Julia Rose

Dawn Mattocks - Make-Up

Dawn Mattocks - Make-Up

Sean Doyle

Sean Doyle

The Ohio Players - Alex & Dustin

The Ohio Players - Alex & Dustin

Cy Kennedy & Dustin Brandt

Cy Kennedy & Dustin Brandt

Amit Bhattacharya - DP

Amit Bhattacharya - DP

Robert Zalkind - Homeowner

Robert Zalkind - Homeowner

Bailey Williams

Bailey Williams

Paul Rose - Prop Master

Paul Rose - Prop Master

l o v e

l o v e

My brother to the rescue...

My brother to the rescue...

David Noel - Editor

David Noel - Editor

Erik Godal - Composer

Erik Godal - Composer



Angela Abshier & Philip Nobert

Angela Abshier & Philip Nobert

Group B

Group B

Julia Rose & Sean Doyle - Red Carpet @ The Palms

Julia Rose & Sean Doyle - Red Carpet @ The Palms

Yep... We went Karting..!

Yep... We went Karting..!